
Legal information, disclaimer and data privacy statement. Responsible within the context of Section 6 German Telemedia Act

REX Gummitechniken GmbH & CO. KG
Ostendstraße, 5
64319 Pfungstadt
AG Darmstadt: HRA 83766

represented by:
FIMA-Beteiligungs GmbH
Zur Dicken Buche 12 
57234 Wilnsdorf
AG Mannheim HRB 705078
Manager: Matthias Finzelberg

Tel.: +49 (0) 6157 - 91100-0
Fax.: +49 (0) 6157 - 91100-50

Tax identification number: DE 815 005 554


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In some of the sections of our website, we refer you to third-party websites for further information or clarification. When you click on one of those links, you are leaving the REX GmbH & Co.KG website.


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All of the information on these pages is protected by copyright. The exercise of any rights, including those to modify, translate, print out or reproduce, even in excerpt form, requires the prior written consent of REX GmbH & Co.KG. The foregoing applies irrespective of how or why such actions are taken and with what means. All of the details and data contained in these pages are intended solely for informational purposes and may be changed without notice. We hereby grant permission for members of the press to quote from our pages, but we kindly request copies of the work product. If you would like further information, please feel free to register on our Extranet.

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